“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Says Einstein. Well, if he is right, then most of content marketers today are insane. Why? Let us guide you through personalization 101 class.
76% of B2B content marketers say that they will increase the amount of content in 2016. But just take a few minutes to see how much content is generated on social media. Not only is it overflowing like a clogged toilet, but they all look the same. Spammy content is everywhere. Why create more when there’s already so much to see? What content marketers need now is quality content that urges viewers to take some form of action.
Personalization 101 from Experts
“The key ingredient to better content is separating the single from the stream.” – David Hahn, Linkedin
Okay, so all we need now is better content, and get out of the mainstream, spammy content. The only way to go “upstream” is to create personalized content marketing – the strategy that will shine like a beacon of light in the dark. Here we bring you the light of hope: what marketing experts say about personalization.
1. What is Personalization?
Personalization has been the latest trend in content marketing. Marketers are seeking ways to get personal involvement with their potential customers. But what does this mean to B2B companies that face low sales conversion rate? Here’s what Liad from Dynamic Yield says about personalization:
2. How has Personalization Changed Over Time?
How are you updated about the development of personalization today? Are you still stuck with the old-fashioned way of personalized marketing where you merely put the customer’s name in the title of your email? David from Marketo says that personalization has shifted to a new era.
3. Data Collection – How important is it?
It is inevitable to talk about data when it comes to personalized marketing. Here’s what Chris from Optimizely say about customer data.
4. The Power of Artificial Intelligence
Marketers are frequently exposed to several personalization platforms. Daniel’s view may be correct as there’s already growing dependency on artificial intelligence personalization solutions.
5. Plan Personalization Ahead
Personalization is not an easy tactic as mentioned by Ian from Carlo Development. It requires the meticulous use of data and strategy. Think twice before you implement anything.
6. Personalized Spamming… Why not?
Okay, so personalization seems like the answer to your marketing team’s prayer. If so, should your team spam personalization tactics all the way? Let Lara from Kuno Creative stop you right there:
7. Wouldn’t We Look Creepy?
Marketers that are frequently exposed to personalization may ask, “isn’t this whole personalization boom kinda creepy?” Well, let’s hear what Seth has to say about it.
8. Personalization for the Advanced Marketers
If you have been a good student, you might want to continue studying past the Personalization 101 class. Here’s some food for thought: What if I told you most of the basic personalization tactics are merely “segmentation”? Let Yuval, the CEO of Roojoom explain how segmentation can make your life difficult.
Personalization, when used correctly, can create a mutual benefit to marketers and visitors. Depending on the nature of the company’s product, a marketer has to play a game of personalization to drive more quality leads and customers in, and not bounce them from the site. Roojoom strongly believes in the power of artificial intelligence that will take care of most personalization today. What do you say?
The post Personalization 101 for Dummies appeared first on The Daily Lead.